December 20, 2005
New Vista Screenshots

Some new Microsoft Windows Vista Build 5270 (December 2005 Community Technical Preview CTP) Screenshots & Features via Activewin. It loks pretty sexy I guess, however the real question is "will people care?". I installed a CTP (the last one I think) on a spare computer (which I admit was not that powerful and didn't have a really fast video card) and basically went "meh".

Posted by Arcterex at December 20, 2005 08:50 AM

Umm... based on the screenshots, it looks like the Windows designers still don't get it. Everything looks shiny, but it all looks, well, BAD.

Nothing is consistent, there are widgets and crap everywhere....

No matter how much they tart it up, it still looks like crappy Windows. MacOSX just looks and feels so much better (even from simple screenshots). Heck, even Ubuntu Linux looks better (if more flat) than what I have seen of the various builds (not just the most recent).

Makes my decision to go with Apple for my next computer so much easier.....

Posted by: engel on December 20, 2005 10:49 AM
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