January 16, 2006
Uptime Lost, a Sad Day

Great sadness struck my heart this afternoon when a possible planned power outage at our hosting company (originally possibly planned for Wednesday) knocked the 662 day uptime the UFies.org has had. This server was last rebooted almost 2 years ago when Fred installed some new hard drive cooling.

Given some of the issues we've had over the last few years, you'll see why 2 years of uptime on a linux box is sometimes a big deal, especially when using "commodity" hardware.

No fear, as some may know already, this box is in for a major refit, with a swanky new 2U dual proc, hyperthreaded, 6G beast waiting to be configured and swapped in place here.

Posted by Arcterex at January 16, 2006 10:12 PM

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