May 14, 2007
New Rocket Launching World Record

Well, model rocket launching anyway. I'm glad to see the Austin Scouts' model rocket launching record on video, however I do want to ask, are they running out of world records? I mean, when did 'number of bottle rockets launched within 5 seconds' become something to aspire to? And is there a sub-record where it's withing 10 seconds, or 2? I guess people found that beating the "real" records (time to ascend everest, that sort of thing, were really hard to beat and just started making stuff up. I personally plan to enter the nose goblin flicking world record, I'm pretty sure I'll be the winner (and only entrant), assuring me a place in the sun for at least one year.

Side note, I'm not sure how they chose ads to go before (and after) these videos, but seeing a horribly depressing ad about surviving rape is not what I want to see before a video of boy scouts launching model rockets.

Posted by Arcterex at May 14, 2007 03:32 PM
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