August 23, 2007
Gizmodo Nikon D3/D300 Impressions

Gizmodo has a Hands On D3 and D300 Impressions (the latest Nikon digital SLRs) from a Nikon event. Both cameras are 12mp cameras, the D300 being APS sensor size with 5fps and the D3 being a full frame body with 9fps. Awhoooga!

...when I fired the D3 on burst mode, I felt like Arnold firing the minigun in T2 between the rapid clacking and the weight.

Somehow my 6mp 2fps Pentax *ist-D is starting to feel very, very wimpy :(

DPReview also has their own previews of the D300 and D3.

Posted by Arcterex at August 23, 2007 12:04 PM

I've already preordered a Nikon D300.

Posted by: IvanFL on October 16, 2007 7:45 PM
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