Holy crap, this is awesome! Wish it was higher res though, I'd definitely put that on my wall.
It's "403 Forbidden" for me. Anyone else?
I think it is concept art from a cartoon series in the early 90s, "cadillacs and dinosaurs".
IMDB link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101056/
Oh I vaguely remember that, it's a promo image for some toy line that came out years and years ago. Damned if I can remember the name, but I know it was a toy series.
No, it's not Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, I'm fairly certain it's older than that.
My Google-Fu is strong. They're Dino Riders.
And for Arc... http://www.dinoriders.com/Desktop%20BG%203%20(1024%20x%20768).jpg