October 02, 2007
Crysis Multiplayer Impressions

Dang, wish I knew how people got on Betas like that for Crysis! Check out the Crysis Multiplayer Beta Impressions over at shacknews. Sounds like fun, but way taxing on your hardware :)

Posted by Arcterex at October 02, 2007 12:49 PM

Hey, you got in the Quake Wars beta, didn't you? So you weren't fast enough to get in the Crysis beta, whoopty-do. Take comfort in the knowledge that *I* got into the Crysis beta. There, doesn't that make you feel better?

Posted by: Oneiros on October 2, 2007 7:26 PM

Lucky bugger!

I did just get an invite to the Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance closed beta though :)

Which is only for paying subscribers to fileplanet. Bah.

Posted by: Arcterex on October 2, 2007 8:53 PM
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