July 09, 2008
Big Canadian iPhone Plan News

This isn't up on the ruinediphone.com blog yet, but according to MacRumors, the following announcement was made: Rogers Canada Offers 6GB Data Plan for $30/Month. The actual press release is fairly long and boring and I have to admit I haven't read it yet.

This looks to be decent though... basically if you're already a customer with a voice plan you pay $30 more and get 6Gb of data transfer, plain and simple.

Now the things I don't know about are the hidden 'gotchas', if any. IE: will texting, visual voicemail and caller ID be included here? With the original $60/115 plans these were bundled in with the latter 2 being unlimited, now that the data plan is separate will these suddenly become $10 addons? Can you put this on the other iPhone bundle plans? Etc, etc.

While I want one I already have the iPhone Touch, so it's hard to justify, but also the stores are going to be crazy (56,000+ signatures on a petition aside), so I'll probably avoid doing anything for a week. That'll also let the Rogers customer service people work out all the questions so I can just get the right info :)

Now of course the other question is about the 3G coverage... and if it'll degrade to something else if you're out of range, and if I'll be able to get it in the fraser valley or not.

Posted by Arcterex at July 09, 2008 10:05 AM
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