April 18, 2009
Windows Guy Loves His Mac

So along with the "macs are too cool for me" ads, every once and a while you find a gem like this article from Computer World entitled Living on Air: A Windows guru spends two weeks with a Mac

For PC users, Mac OS X takes some getting used to, but once I did, I found it a more elegant, polished piece of work than Windows (either XP or Vista). With so many nice little touches, it seemed as if I was finding a new one every day.

Essentially it's a story of Windows Boy meets MacBook Air, spends 2 weeks getting to know her, finding out that while she's a bit more pricey than some of the other girls on the block, she's worth it. Then after two weeks Windows Boy wants to keep her. Or something like that.

Could be all BS though.... and in a week some article will come out about how the author Preston Gralla was really a mac-sympathizer all along or something, who knows.

Posted by Arcterex at April 18, 2009 04:22 PM
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