May 28, 2009
Zune HD Announced

So the Zune HD is finally (almost) real. Looks like a fairly sexy little beast, marketed head-to-head against the iPod Touch, complete with a touch screen and multi-touch. Looks a bit like a super-sleek first-gen iPhone.

Nifty features it has are HD Video out, wireless with a browser (more on this in a second) and HD Radio (who really uses this though?). Only issue I have with it is it's built on Windows CE (ugh) and the browser will (I'm guessing) be either IE 6 mobile or if you're really lucky, IE 6.5 mobile (which I believe is coming out with the new Windows Mobile 6.5). First of all, IE? Ugh, second of all, IE < 7.0? Double-Ugh.

That all said, it's good for apple to have some competition, and I'm fairly interested to see just how the UI and performance is. Microsoft always has a habit of one-upping apple with some of the features in their iPod-killers, so we'll see.

Posted by Arcterex at May 28, 2009 09:14 AM
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