July 22, 2009
Navigon iPhone GPS App

So I have no idea what's up with the TomTom iPhone app that was so touted at the last couple of Apple iPhone events. Sadly, either the app was a complete tech demo (read that as you will) or they are somehow strategically doing nothing to let people know that it's coming (or not). In the meatime, MacRumors has a look at the Navigon GPS unit. Bonus here is it's a single up-front cost (though at $69 till August 15, $99 after it's a bit pricey), and I believe that the map updates are said to be free.

Some folks in the forums seem to think it's not the best deal, or are waiting to see what TomTom is doing. They also point out "gmaps", which is far less ($20) and has state/country (including Canada, yay!) specific releases. Sadly some of the reviews for gmap aren't all that great.

Personally I too am waiting for the TomTom, just to see what the options are. I really want the charging mount, as one reason I don't like using the iPhone maps in the car too much is I worry about battery life. Also if the mount can be setup to pipe into my stereo, hey, double-plus-good bonus? However, if the mount is super expensive, or the app has a large cost associated (ie: monthly fees, map update costs that are high, or a huge upfront cost), I may find something else. Personally I think that TomTom is killing themselves a bit by not giving out any new information... Course, they may also be trying to figure out how to make money on the app without completely cannibalizing their hardware business.

Anyone out there doing the turn-by-turn iPhone GPS thing? Suggestions? Good finds?

Posted by Arcterex at July 22, 2009 08:55 AM
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