Very interesting story about the raid and takedown of UWWWB by the FBI (I had never heard of them before this) from the point of view of the owner. An excerpt:
Here's what happened: March 12th, 2009, at about 5:AM in the morning, my home alarm system went off. I get up to see what’s going on, on maybe 3 hours of sleep, and my wife points out there are two people with flash lights in my back yard. Now, this may not be unusual for everyone, but I lived in a fairly nice home in Southlake Texas, the United States highest per-capita income city for 2008. A very nice community, virtually no crime, and excellent schools. That is to say, I did not live in a shack in the hood, this is nice suburbs, and not where the FBI usually does raids.
it's times like these I'm glad to live in canada.
Just because you live in Canada like me don't think we can escape easy. If they manage to get something to stick on you you're in the same boat. Unless anyone has other information otherwise.
He's right, you know. Don't think things like borders can stop the U.S. Federal Enforcement Troopers.
Safe to say not much will be heard on this topic in the mainstream corp news.