July 30, 2009
Pimping The Kick-Ass Comic

First of all, I don't read comics. As geeky as I am, comics have just never thrilled me, and other than borrowing a bunch from a friend years ago, I've basically ignored them. However, The Totally Rad Show mentioned Kick-Ass and it's associated movie at Comic-Con, and I grabbed the first 6 episodes.

Fucking Brilliant is my conclusion. Basically it's a "what if a nerdy kid wanted to become a superhero, in our universe". Issues of school, explaining fight-related injuries to your dad, that sort of thing. Absolutely fantastic and awesome, amazingly well drawn, violent, gory, and awesome.

About the closest I've found to any more information on the movie is over at slashfilm. Seriously - go get this comic, totally worth it.

Posted by Arcterex at July 30, 2009 07:50 PM
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