November 29, 2002
More like OS/X

People wanting to make their Windows (xp) system look and feel a bit more like windows will appreciate this unsupported product from, which is calledObjectDock and makes your windows taskbar look very much like OS/X. Very nifty stuff.

In order to develop Object Desktop, Stardock develops all kinds of test programs internally to see what Windows is and isn't able to do. Stardock developed ObjectDock as a research project to see if Windows XP could reasonably handle the kinds of visual effects that are available on Apple's MacOS X. [...]
Granted, it's not as sexy as the OS/X one, but it's a start, especially for those of us who don't have a few extra grand lying around to pick up a mac...

Posted by Arcterex at November 29, 2002 03:01 PM