There is someone up above and watching over us all, Larry the Cable guy has his own website! Larry is, for those who don't know, a comedian that was on the Blue Collar Comedy Tour (with Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall and Ron White.
A sample for your perusal:
GIT-R-DONE!!!! We just got back from premiering the movie in all three test markets and I got some great pictures so let's get busy!! (What am I Arsenio all of a sudden?) After a quick trip to the Wal-Mart to get some Copenhagen Black and a bag of BBQ pork rinds for my Atkins diet (which has me backed up like Mexican toilet on taco Tuesday), I headed to Tampa to meet Jeff Foxworthy for our free showing premier of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour The Movie.
His commentaries are also online in realplayer format.