March 28, 2003
More Drinking Games
Via comes l
The Gulf War Drinking Game.
Man, that looks dangerous, you could put yourself in a coma with 15 minutes of CNN and that thing....
Posted by Arcterex at
08:49 PM
Mr Cranky Reviews the News
Well, it's not a movie, but it's what everyone is watching these days. Therefor, Mr. Cranky has put up
a review of Iraq War Coverage.
This failure of American news coverage has its roots in the 1980s, when the corporatization of America's news media really got underway and professional worriers worried that if the process was allowed to continue, one day we wouldn't have a credible fourth estate when we really needed one. Like now.
Posted by Arcterex at
02:35 PM
Free MP3 and WMAs
threw a link over to
legal mp3 downloads a source of free mp3 and wma downloads.
Posted by Arcterex at
11:47 AM
Mozilla Updates
Mozillazine has some
Independent Status Reports for preusal.
Posted by Arcterex at
10:59 AM
March 27, 2003
RAID Definitions
Random link from Cat5 with some detailed
RAID terminology definitions.
Posted by Arcterex at
09:43 PM
Michael Moore Speaks
The post acceptance speech interview of
Michael Moore after the Oscars. Absolutely great stuff!
Posted by Arcterex at
02:22 PM
March 26, 2003 1.1 Beta
Right on the heals of the previous story, an
OpenOffice 1.1 Beta is now available for download. The downloads are still fast, get it quick! Features are some new import/export formats, new languages, and a few other things. It even runs acceptable on my Celeron 660.
Posted by Arcterex at
04:08 PM
Ximian's take on OO.o
Looks like the
ximian folks are taking a stab at getting
OO.o up to spec. There is a good
presentation here, and some good links and other info at the
gnomefootnotes story.
Posted by Arcterex at
03:41 PM
Hubble Coolness
Ooooh, nifty pics from Hubble of
a starlight echo from cosmic blast.
Posted by Arcterex at
03:09 PM
I'm not sure if I should put a "parental warning" or a "just plain nasty" lable on the story about
Lisa Marie and Michael Jackson's sex life when they were (heheehe) "married".
Posted by Arcterex at
02:49 PM
March 25, 2003
The War of Images
Great article on Salon about
The real face of war, all about the media and their connection to the war, and the reactions to the showing of what war is really like.
Posted by Arcterex at
03:04 PM
Web Page Analyzer
Nifty, a page that will grab a web page and give you suggestions on how to change/improve it based on images, code size, and other criteria. Check out the
Web Page Analyzer
Posted by Arcterex at
02:44 PM
Questions for Mr. Bush
Fark has the question of what would you ask Prez W Bush, and
the responses are hilarious. Not even a big flame war either, which is nice :)
IE from Unyon:
If the war is going to cost $75 billion, did it occur to you to offer Saddam $10 or $20 billion to leave on day 1?
/basic economics
Posted by Arcterex at
12:48 PM
Jersey Girl Poster Art and Secret Stash Webcam
Found some of the poster art for the New Kevin Smith flick "
Jersey Girl" over at the View Askewniverse. The
posters are here. Slated for November 2003 release, the movie is starrring Jennifer Lopez, Ben Affleck and Liv Tyler, and detail the way one's life changes with a new wife and 6 year old daughter.
As a bonus, check out the stashcam or best of the stashcam (a webcam at Kevin Smith's store, Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash).
Posted by Arcterex at
09:53 AM
March 23, 2003
NSLog() has
a link to a page with some cool videos of
various explosions and whatnot from chemistry class.
Posted by Arcterex at
04:26 PM
March 21, 2003
Caring for Your Introvert
A must read for all geek-owners,
Caring for Your Introvert.
Posted by Arcterex at
04:44 PM
Printer Ranting
Excellent rant/editorial on printers and the prices associated with them
over at warmbrain.
Posted by Arcterex at
04:42 PM
March 20, 2003
Jabber Logo Winner
Jabber Inc has
chosen a new logo. It's nice, very professional, but not a huge difference from the last one. It gets the ArcterThumbsUp though.
Posted by Arcterex at
01:21 PM
RSS Reader Directory
RSS Feed Reader Directory has readers listed by platform, a good place to look if you're getting tired of
small fonts or badly designed pages, and want to read peoples BLOGs (or whatever else has an RSS feed) the way you want.
Posted by Arcterex at
01:08 PM
New Canadian Tax Form

Thanks to Cat5 for passing the new form for Canadian taxes along. This really makes that accountant I hired irrelevant now doesn't it? :)
Posted by Arcterex at
11:17 AM
Why We Are At War
JWZ has a great piece called
A Warmonger Explains War to a Peacenik. It was an email forward, and pointed out by
Derek. Sorry for all the political stuff lately, we'll get back to some good UF geeking RSN....
Posted by Arcterex at
07:55 AM
March 19, 2003
Windows Users Update Now!
There is a
new windows flaw out there. MS recomments everyone updates ASAP. It sounds like a typical outlook virus, executing arbitrary code via web pages or email (outlook email that is), and is interesting because it affects so many different versions of windows. The good news is if you are using OE 6 or Outlook 2002 you aren't affected.
WASHINGTON -- Microsoft Corp. on Wednesday warned about a serious flaw in almost every version of its popular Windows software that could allow hackers to seize control of a person's computer when victims read e-mails or visit Web sites.
Posted by Arcterex at
04:08 PM
Mr Cranky Reviews Willard
Mr Cranky
reviews Willard mentioned
here previously.
Posted by Arcterex at
03:43 PM
"Psst Don't mention the war!"
Raster web has a lighter view of
world events.
Posted by Arcterex at
02:37 PM
Iraq Coalition Timeline
Timeline of UN-Iraq-Coalition Incidents from 1991-2002. Very interesting on how things progressed and ended up where we are now.
Posted by Arcterex at
06:43 AM
March 18, 2003
How Did We Survive
From my buddy Silv, a good text that is not only funny, but so very true. Read it:
How Did We Survive.
Posted by Arcterex at
03:07 PM
lascivious there is a good pointer to Unix Gal's
RSS feeds, and good stuff on how to set up your blog to do it's RSS nicely so that the folks with news aggregators have something nice to look at.
Posted by Arcterex at
01:45 PM
The Dubya War Glossary
With the idiots in washington sending the US and their "coalition of the willing" (that'd be the UK) heading straight towards war, I thought that a post to
The Dubya War Glossary was appropriate.
Posted by Arcterex at
12:24 PM
March 17, 2003
What if Netscape Had Won
That's my blog, featured here
before) pointed to a good link entitled
What if Netscape Had Won, and outlined a few interesting points, including how Microsoft had no choice (in their minds) but to "win" to protect their monopoly, and how the state of browser innovation pretty much stopped when the dust settled from that battle.
Posted by Arcterex at
07:55 AM
Happy St. Patricks Day!
This is the one day of the year that the other 364 practice days of drinking
Guinness are for. So everyone make sure they raise a pint (or two, or three) today!
Posted by Arcterex at
07:42 AM
ZeroConf and Rendezvous
Good article on the ORA Network on
Understanding Zeroconf.
Posted by Arcterex at
07:39 AM
March 15, 2003
Raging Platypus
Raging Platypus FAQ (via
Brian Flemming's Weblog).
Posted by Arcterex at
12:35 AM
March 14, 2003
Natalie Merchant Abandons the Music Recording Industry
Natalie Merchant abandons the recording industry according to a blog entry over at She's cutting the major labels go and promoting her new album (june! yay!) through
her website.
WhatdoIknow notes:
She isn�t turning to the internet as a backup vehicle, but as the vehicle to promote herself and sell her music. Where, I should add, she could easily earn just as much in revenue by selling a quarter (or even less) of the units she moved while under a commercial contract. The profit margin is that much better, if you have the know-how, the technology, and the drive.
Apparently she is also the first successful recording artist to deliberatly leave. Good for her, I've been a huge fan ever since
Iambe introduced me to "
Tiger Lily" ages ago.
Posted by Arcterex at
11:27 PM
Porn on the P2P Networks?
Holy crap!
File-sharing sites allow trading of porn!!!!!!! Wow, does anyone else know this?
The same technology used to download music from file-sharing sites makes it possible to trade pornography, tech experts testified at a Capitol Hill hearing Thursday
Ah, polititions and people who say things like "That's what makes it [p2p file sharing in relation to porn filtering] hard to police" really amuse me. This is how "free speech" works, and how that thing called "The Internet" works. You
can't police it, and
that's why it works.
Posted by Arcterex at
03:38 PM
Some Wild Job Offers
Kethryvis wrote in with this one, a site called
FUCK THAT JOB, which lists some most amusing job ads. $20k/y to be a "Content Master", $32k/y with the requirements that you know everything under the sun.... Guess it's a polar opposite to the "Need perl coder, $200k/y and a hummer with a capachino machine" ads we got a few years back in the boom....
Posted by Arcterex at
02:03 PM
March 13, 2003
Starting a BLOG
Well, it's the new big thing, so for all the newbies out there who want to be like the rest of the weblogging world, check out NSLog()'s excellent article on
Starting a BLOG with Movable Type. Some good tips, some learned the hard way. All good info.
Posted by Arcterex at
05:27 PM
MS Knowledge Base Entries
fark] I know my VB programming fiends will enjoy some
Microsoft Q&A from the Knowledge Base. They range from funny (In the MS Knowledge Base, "hosed" is now a valid keyword.) to stupid (Q280711: Office Installation Program Starts When You Use Camera in USB Port).
Posted by Arcterex at
09:04 AM
March 12, 2003
Photoshop Contest Galleries
Not the fark variety, but still the Photoshop Contests galleries are a great place to waste some time. Thanks to Joyce for passing this on.
Posted by Arcterex at
08:18 PM
50 Things Girls Wish Guys Knew
50 Things Girls Wish Guys Knew, via
aspectus. Good stuff, guys - take notes. Now to write the "50 Things Guys Wish Girls Knew"... anyone want to contribute?
Posted by Arcterex at
01:05 PM
Movable Type Styles
Book of Styles has arrived to solve the problem of designing a nice MT site when you have zero design talent. Found via
Posted by Arcterex at
07:45 AM
March 11, 2003
OSX vs Windows XP
Mac OS X vs. Windows XP. The results are unsurprising, especially since it's a mac advocate who runs the site. However, some interesting points are brought up.
Posted by Arcterex at
02:25 PM
Porn Not Challenging Enough
A hilarious satire (kinda) article on
bbspot entitled
Obtaining Porn Not Challenging Enough for Kids
"Kids these days just don't appreciate a tough porn hunt..."
Even more scary is how true the article is. I could go into more details, but I'm sure you'd rather me not...
Posted by Arcterex at
01:52 PM
Lost Art of Programming
Lost Art of Computer Programming, posted some time ago, has moved to
new home. Thanks Brad.
Posted by Arcterex at
01:47 PM
Random Linkage
A couple of good ones from Oneiros:
Posted by Arcterex at
09:42 AM
March 10, 2003
Nautils 2.2.2 Released and Changes
No, we're not
freshmeat, but as a
gnome user I was excited to see some of the details from the just released
Eel and Nautilus 2.2.2. Some of these are saving state on forward/back, clicking on the transparent parts of icons, and the ability to disable "switch to manual layout". Yay!
Posted by Arcterex at
01:15 PM
March 09, 2003
Rate My Hedgehog
Yea, you
read that right. I don't have a lot to say about this, as I don't know what makes a hedgehog cute or not.
Kittens are always cute though...
Posted by Arcterex at
12:50 PM
March 08, 2003
Mac vs. Windows UI
An interesting page off of
MacIdo is a neat, if slightly biased, article on the differences between
Windows and Mac Copy. Short answer, windows completely sucks and mac is almost perfect :) There are other things on the
interface page extoling the virtues of mac UI over windows.
Related to this is a blog entry discussing some of the visible Longhorn UI.
Posted by Arcterex at
07:57 PM
March 07, 2003
How to Tie a Tie
Well, right after the page on
how we miss comes a nifty page on
how to tie a tie. My dad taught me long ago, and my hands still remember how to do it, but I can't show someone how to do it. I have no idea which one is the one I know how to do either.... to be honest, I didn't even know there was more than one way to do it until today.
Posted by Arcterex at
11:09 PM
RSS Blog Search Engine
Looks like
FuzzyBlog has started a Blog/RSS search engine modelled after Google. It is called
Roogle and seems to work :) The add feed is broken, but there is an email notice to tell you how to add your own blog to his list of searched blogs. I wonder if Google's eventual search engine (which they
will have right?) will look anything like this :)
Posted by Arcterex at
10:48 PM
Waterskiing Animals
I blame FootNote for pointing me to this article involving
Twiggy the waterskiing squirrel. His trainer has trained a host of other animals to waterski as well though. Some people have far too much time on their hands. As a bonus you can take a minute or two to watch
this mpeg. It's called "Suburban Trunk Monkey".... you go see.
Posted by Arcterex at
10:44 PM
Canadian Humor
Canada Has a Warship? Like for War? Hilarious link to a classic
Satirewire article. Muchos gracias to Cthulhu for pointing this out to.
Posted by Arcterex at
10:23 PM
Posting to MT From Perl
Looks like Jeremy Zawodny got posting to
MT from perl
going nicely. This will help those trying to post from work but not wanting the boss to see your MT Posting screen up on the monitor all the time.
Posted by Arcterex at
07:23 AM
March 06, 2003
I'm a Cow
As a random companion to the last post, I was pointed to
I'm a cow, another flash movie.
Posted by Arcterex at
10:45 PM
Sometimes We Miss
My buddy Raskal found
this beaut, showing just how hard it is to be a guy sometimes. Flash game, very amusing, see how good of a score you can get.
Overheard from a girl: "Ok, I am never getting anywhere near a guys feet in the bar again!"
Posted by Arcterex at
10:34 PM
Apple Patents Everything
In a link grabbed off the nautilus-list in a thread about how to implement spring-loaded folders without violating
Apple's patent, Roberto R threw out a link to a Mac Observer article on
Reading The Apple Patent Tea Leaves. Apparently apple has patented everything from any frontend for cron to the progress bar, in addition to the garbage can icon.
All I want is spring loaded folders dammit! And I don't want to pay for Apple hardware to get them!
Posted by Arcterex at
04:36 PM
Jabber Logo Finalists
JSF Logo Contest Finalists.
'Nuff said.
Posted by Arcterex at
03:32 PM
Photo Friday
Hot on the heals of
friday five comes the
Photo Friday! Same basic rules, looks potentially interesting... this week's subject is "Stop Sign". Via
Posted by Arcterex at
01:33 PM
March 05, 2003
Web Filter for the Colorblind
Very cool idea via
NSLog() is a web
filter for the colorblind. I guess you could use this to see what it is like to be colorblind, use it to make sure your pages are accessible to the colorblind, or just search for new color scheme ideas.
Posted by Arcterex at
08:34 PM
How to Better BLOG
Well, it seems everyone is jumping on the blogging bandwagon, and in an effort to make sure that that bandwagon isn't filled with illieterate morons,
NSLog() has some
good thoughts on the subject, and a link to a
similar article over at
Posted by Arcterex at
08:35 AM
Mozilla for Blogging
Mozilla: Blogging's Killer App is a good look at the features that mozilla gives you (tabs, ad blocking, control over javascript, etc) as well as how it's useful to help with blogging. The article is more on an overview of the whole system, but a good read anyway, with a couple of good links. Found via
Posted by Arcterex at
07:57 AM
Jabber Survey Results
The results of the Jabber survey can be found
Posted by Arcterex at
12:22 AM
March 04, 2003
The Bush Credibility Gap
Through no fault of my own I found
The Bush Credibility Gap, a collection of things that Bush has said, and what he actually did.
Gosh! polititions lying!? Say it ain't so!
Posted by Arcterex at
01:10 PM
March 03, 2003
Forbidden MSN Words
Random linkage found the
list of forbidden words in MSN messanger. Via
Posted by Arcterex at
10:35 PM
An Apology From Canada
Horribly politically incorrect, to the Americans out there at least, but still horribly funny.... passed on to me by Cat5. Read more for the full deal.
Courtesy of Rick Mercer from This Hour Has 22 Minutes CBC Television:
On behalf of Canadians everywhere I'd like to offer an apology to the
United States of America. We haven't been getting along very well
recently and for that, I am truly sorry.
I'm sorry we called George Bush a moron.
He is a moron but, it wasn't nice of us to point it out. If it's any
consolation, the fact that he's a moron shouldn't reflect poorly on
the people of America. After all it's not like you actually elected
I'm sorry about our softwood lumber. Just because we have more trees
than you doesn't give us the right to sell you lumber that's cheaper
and better than your own.
I'm sorry we beat you in Olympic hockey. In our defense I guess our
excuse would be that our team was much, much, much, much better than
I'm sorry we burnt down your white house during the war of 1812. I
notice you've rebuilt it! It's Very Nice.
I'm sorry about your beer. I know we had nothing to do with your beer
but, we Feel your Pain.
I'm sorry about our waffling on Iraq. I mean, when you're going up
against a crazed dictator, you wanna have your friends by your side. I
realize it took more than two years before you guys pitched in against
Hitler, but that was different. Everyone knew he had weapons.
And finally, on behalf of all Canadians, I'm sorry that we're
constantly apologizing for things in a passive-aggressive way which is
really a thinly veiled criticism. I sincerely hope that you're not
upset over this. We've seen what you do to countries you get upset
Thank you.
Posted by Arcterex at
03:09 PM
Mind Reading Web Page
An old friend from High School passed
this page on to me today. I'm not sure how it's done, but it seems to work. Very spooky if you ask me. All I need now is to be able to write something like this to extract the winning lottery numbers now...
Posted by Arcterex at
10:27 AM
March 02, 2003
(Another) Apple Switch Parody
BSpudd threw
this over. The
video is one of the funniest things I've seen since tonight's Malcom in the Middle, and well worth the download.
Posted by Arcterex at
10:28 PM
March 01, 2003
Movie Cliches
List of movie cliche sites:
Posted by Arcterex at
11:51 PM
An Alternate Atlas

Horribly politically incorrect I know, but I thought it was funny :) Thanks to W for passing this over.
Posted by Arcterex at
11:20 PM