May 24, 2007
Web Barrier to Entry

I know sites have gone through issues of barrier to entry on websites, but this is ridiculous. The site for I Know Who Killed Me requires not only your zip code, first and last name, and birthdate to enter a site. The "site" you're entring is a movie trailer of sorts in the form of a lame fake video blog (I'm soooo glad this sort of viral marketing has caught on....). Seriously, there is no good reason for this. The site requires a valid zip code (no postal codes allowed!) and you have to be 18 to "sign up" (even though you don't submit an email address anywhere).

Course, I suppose if you're interested in a Lindsay Lohan movie you probably deserve it. The only reason I was at it was for research purposes as apparently she gets naked on film.

On movie film that is. On purpose. And not doing coke.

Posted by Arcterex at May 24, 2007 04:10 PM