May 19, 2009
Palm Pre Price and Date Announced

Sprint has announced some details on their Palm Pre page. The details? $199 with a 2 year contract and available on June 6th.

Very interesting, and some good discussion on the MacBreak Weekly last week about the timing being so close to the new Apple Event in June, and the (theoretical) announcement of the next generation of the iPhone. Palm's danger is now everyone will compare this to the new (theoretical) iPhone, or if they had announced later, it'd be lost in the shuffle.

Personally I'm pretty interested in the Pre, even though it isn't going to be available in Canada as far as I can tell. New and interesting technology is always cool :) I do hope that Palm can pull it off, cause competition is always good :)

Posted by Arcterex at May 19, 2009 10:22 AM