August 21, 2012
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Review

With reviews like this, why is Apple bothering to go after Samsung? Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 Review: An Embarrassing, Lazy, Arrogant Money Grab.

On the software side: Samsung desperately wants to develop the next version of Android themselves, but they lack the technical ability, vision, ecosystem support, and design chops to make it happen. They want to add features, and maybe even have a good idea or two, but they just can’t execute those ideas in a way that makes them good. Split screen, for instance, needed to be a core OS function, but it’s clearly a hack that was tacked on at the UI layer. It’s a bunch of tricks that look like split screen, but you’re never really running 2 apps at once.

Posted by Arcterex at August 21, 2012 09:59 PM