September 17, 2012
Canon EOS 6D Announced

Via a Facebook post this morning: Canon announces EOS 6D enthusiast-level Wi-Fi capable full-frame DSLR via DPreview.

Short story is 20mp, full frame sensor, ISO up to 51200 (or 102400 in the high extended noone-will-ever-use-it mode), 3.2” LCD, 97% viewfinder, .71x viewfinder magnification, 1080p video in all the expected FPSs, SD/SDHC/SDXC storage, WiFi and GPS built in, and pretty much everything else that you’d expect.

We won’t know how good it really is until the full hands on and detailed reviews are done, but looks pretty nice that’s for sure! Wonder if this is the start of the end of the APS-C “pro-sumer” cameras, as this will premier at $2099, which is definitely pushing it into the realm of mere mortals (though the sub-$1000 are still going to be more common with the more budget concious photogs out there).

Update: I spoke too soon, DPreview does have a preview up for those wanting a closer look at the new kit.

Posted by Arcterex at September 17, 2012 11:25 AM