September 27, 2012
Geoception: Reality Gaming in Google Earth

Sydney wrote in this morning to tell me about a cool new reality gaming concept on Kickstarter:

Thought you might be interested in covering a kickstarter project called Geoception in your blog. It is a game that runs uses Google Earth as its platform. Check out the project at

Just helping the developer promote his project.

Very cool stuff, check out Geoception on kickstarter to see what it’s all about and more importantly, why it’s doing things the way it is:

Google Earth offers us easily the largest map ever in a video game. You could play for years and never explore it all.  And Google is always hard at work with their (real-world) cars, planes, and ships, mapping and modeling the world’s cities and sea floors in great detail.  This means the giant game map that is Google Earth is always improving in quality and accuracy, without any input from us.  And every time you interact with this game map, you learn something about the real world you live in.

Posted by Arcterex at September 27, 2012 10:52 AM