September 29, 2014
Stop Bending the Apple Store's iPhones

Stupid kids bending the Apple Store’s iPhones:

[…] the kids not only recorded themselves breaking thousands of dollars worth of hardware for all the internet to see, but they round it all off with a solid “I don’t even care to be honest, because it’s Apple’s fault.” Except that no, it’s not.

I really hope these little dickheads are arrested, threatened, and made to pay every cent. If they’re underage, then their parents should be made to pay every cent, and let the parents deal with their dumbass, asshole kids as they feel is appropriate.

Note: if they did this in a Samsung, HTC, Microsoft, or any other store I’d have exactly the same reaction.

Seriously, what a couple of little douchenozzles.

Posted by Arcterex at September 29, 2014 03:45 PM