July 10, 2001

Evolution. Runtime: Just under 2 hours
This one was my second, and middle, pick of the day. It was likened by some reviewers as the alien version of ghost busters. The animation and computer generated aliens, from amoebae to primates were very well designed and in such a perfect detail that I found myself jumping were I would usually be laughing.

The description from the papers was not too far off, but that is still a great plot, though the expected sequel(s) are hoped to be much better. I did not check for exact references to the period table of elements, but I will assume that Dr. Kane's(Duchovny) statement of the vulnerability is accurate. I give this film a 7/10 rating which would have been much less if not for the computer graphics. I would wait for a second run to see this again, as $12 was a little high for this film.

-- by dwight Posted by Arcterex at July 10, 2001 04:36 PM