UFies.org Contact Information
Getting Hold of UFies.org People
The main person to get a hold of for information or problems with this server is yours truly. You can get a hold of
me through the following means:
- Email
- There are several email addresses I check quite often, or are funneled to my main
account. These include:
- Jabber
- If I'm home, most likely I have a jabber client going. As I have my own jabber server, you can send me a message
to arcterex@ufies.org and I'll respond as soon as I can.
- Web
- I do happen to have the arcterex.net
domain, where I keep my personal journal, and other boring information about
What Not To Ask About
Sadly, I don't have control over things over at userfriendly.org, such as the forums, ARS, or
the website. If things over there are busted, get a hold of illiad or yohimbe and they'll set things