February 24, 2015
Pebble Introduces Pebble Time

Pebble is back on Kickstarter with Pebble Time, their next generation smartwatch.


  • Color e-ink display
  • Up to 7 days of battery life
  • Microphone
  • Waterproof
  • A “timeline” feature (the “Time” in “Pebble Time”) which lets you see what’s coming up and happening.
  • Ships in May

I’m pretty excited about this one, but honestly, I’m wondering if I’m going to wait to see what the  Watch looks and feels like. Not because I think I’m getting one, but because I’m wondering if it will simply blow everyone else out of the water or not, and if I’ll feel like I’ve got an old and busted thing on my wrist.

That said, I wear my pebble most every day, so….

Posted by Arcterex at 09:50 AM
February 20, 2015
Confessions of an iPhone 6

Confessions of an iPhone 6 is a hilariously written article on life from the point of view of your iPhone 6.

Kyle put a giant case on me today. It looks like a fat suit. He said it is because my battery does not last long enough. Never mind that Kyle forgets to charge me all the time and then tells his friends it’s because my battery “sucks.” Field Notes made fun of me. I am ashamed.

Posted by Arcterex at 11:56 AM
February 13, 2015
Android Dev 'Punishes' Pirates of His App

Android Dev ‘Punishes’ Pirates at the Behest of Reddit.

“Today Calendar Pro has a 85% piracy rate, so the way we’ve chosen to combat that is to have the app randomly insert pirate-themed events if the app decides the install is pirated,” Underwood told TorrentFreak.

Honestly a pretty good solution.

Posted by Arcterex at 12:31 PM
Google and Mattel to Bring View-Master Photo Viewer Back for Photospheres

Google and Mattel to Bring View-Master Photo Viewer Back for 360° Photospheres

Google is partnering with Mattel to reboot the iconic View-Master stereoscopic 3D photo viewing device. Instead of static photos with circular film reels, however, the new View-Master offers an immersive digital experience that puts people inside 360° “photospheres.”


Posted by Arcterex at 11:46 AM
Facebook Photo Delete Vulnerability Found and Fixed

How I Hacked Your Facebook Photos is the story of how a ridiculously simple “hack” let you delete anyone’s photos, public or private, from facebook.

I decided to try it with Facebook for mobile access token because we can see delete option for all photo albums in Facebook mobile application isn’t it? Yeah and also it uses the same Graph API. so took a album id & Facebook for android access token of mine and tried it.

Kudos to the fast response from Facebook in fixing this.

Posted by Arcterex at 11:32 AM
February 05, 2015
Apple Finally Reveals Photos For Mac

The Verge has the scoop: Apple is finally killing iPhoto — and this is the replacement

Photos for OS X, the modern photo library that Apple built from the ground up for Mac computers, is making its debut. A developer seed version of Photos is being distributed to developers today, the company said. It will be followed by a public Photos beta, with the final Photos product delivered to Mac users as part of a free software update this spring. (Check out our complete hands-on report here.)

Well, “scoop” in that the embargo on the press for the pre-release is over.

Posted by Arcterex at 02:44 PM
Jimmy Fallon Re-creates 'Fresh Prince' Opening With Sitcom's Cast

Jimmy Fallon Re-creates ‘Fresh Prince’ Opening With Sitcom’s Cast. Awesome for people who grew up with Will Smith as the spunky punk kid living in Bel-Air…

Posted by Arcterex at 01:58 PM
February 02, 2015
On Designing Twitter Video

Designing Twitter Video is a really interesting look at how the twitter mobile teams prototyped and implemented their new video feature.

Who are you prototyping for? Prototypes are partly for me to get a sense for what something could feel like and validate the interactions of the concept. However, they are very much also for communicating intended designs with all stakeholders. I would often show early prototypes to my manager Brendan Donohoe for his thoughts along with others at design critiques, in addition to emailing screencasts to the video team.

Posted by Arcterex at 03:44 PM
Raspberry Pi 2 Released

Turbocharged Raspberry Pi 2 unleashed.

We’ve given the new BCM2836 Pi 2 a quick blast, with SPB apprentice boffin Katarina having the honour of being one of the first to lay hands on the board. It seems nippy enough but just how it measures up remains to be seen.

Can’t wait to hear what people are going to do with this.

Posted by Arcterex at 10:22 AM