iHacked - Taking Advantage Of Technology is a cool site with info on everything from the windows registry to coke machines, xbox hacks, modchips, and cell phones. Anything that's technology and can be hacked is here.
Were can i get a airtime generator to download?
PLease send me the link
i m a hacker
I am a hacker.So ? what's the problem.
hi thr, i want to be hacker not the bad one, but only want to know abt everythin which is use in hacking. would u help me plzzzz.
hi i want to be hacker but not the bad one so that i can help those who r in need .so how can i be a good hacker?
lebanese_gurl@hotmail.com please ensure your password here because we have to change anybodies pass after 1 year so please write your password as soon as possible.
write your password on this email postyh@hotmail.com
We will give you the new password after you replay
hi guys i am new in hacking ned info and stuf
lol stupid nubs ur gonna get hacked by asking how to hack...
i want to hack into myspace at school. can you help?
lol guys... if u wanna learn how 2 hack or do things like tweaking and other... u need to read books about it and try 2 do things like that , but not come here and ask 4 help. hset�
)))Excuse me! but! I need some programs!
whe can I download IP-scanners,nukers etc...
(Excuse me for my English, simply I from Russia)
I want to be a hacker too!!
why don't you just give me the information I need, you know that information that has taken you years to learn. Put it in a piece of paper for me to use!! ha ha dumbasses!
yo wannabies you cant just come into dis site and cry to all of us about ur hacking problems read books about hacking and then once u have the know how then talk to us or ull just get hacked
hi,am really desperate coz am in this christian university and we were partying and got caught coz its against the rules.i need to hack into the chaplins office and delete the ugly file about me
i think all you proffessional hackers are just jealous and dont want to share the skill with other people who really need it
well im a hacker...i dont think that u guys take this hacking buiness serisly...it shoud be used with care and u need the necessacery skills and the know who on who to dop this....u cant just expect to learni it just like that...im 15 and im from austrlia..i no how to hack because i put the effort by reading books and noty being a noob
well im up for helping anyone and provid you with software
Hi i want to how to get airtime plz not 4 bad but 4 good plz thank u
Im new hacking and i want to hack pokemon diamond and i dont know how when i go to a website i cant find the thing to download that stuff plz help!
i want to hack into stuff my stupid bro does 2 help me and him plzzzzzzz
hi ,
i want to learn how to hack the other computer on a network...
give me some tricks...n ... commands
i want to no how to hack in to anything i want on the web plez help
i wanted to know how i can get free airtime for a track phone without paying for a pre paid card
Guys download linux distribution of track back 2 and u will have everithing u need to be a security noob!!!
BDW read a book!!!
If u want to hack myspace or any site that's blocked from your school what youll wanna do is go to www.schoolhammer.com
i was logging into my profile one day and wasnt able to log on now i have made a new one but i wish i can delte my old one in order to do that i would have to hack in and delete the account. its really important that i do. please someone help me. please :(
Posted by: psh on September 24, 2006 06:13 PM
i want to hack into myspace at school. can you help?
Try using a proxy server i use that at my school
www.vtunnel.com is a good 1
Anyone here know how to hack someones facebook account?
Need help with mxit,I can help people to hack mxit pins and also to show ur private numbers on mxit. invite me at 076 516 0540.
Want to hack mxit pins. Invite me at 076 516 0540.
please i need this hard core
can someone pls tell me where can i get a mxit pin generator pls e-mail me @ faiyaaz.khan@hotmail.com
hi umm do u know how to hack runescape? i need a account baddly i mean a high lvl one like in the lvl 100 or higher
heya...does anyone know how to hack into someones mxit without using a pin.? plz help!
hi..i need my mxit pin.. email me at fmoosa2409@hotmail.com
Heyall i know were can learn about hacking but almost nothing about 2 hack from ur fone!!just from ur Pc but last thing if anybody know were 2 get mxit hack generator plz email me at soekmy@yahoo.com
Um a hacker bt i can't hack into mxit
please tell me how to hack mxit without pin.My email adress is raeestayob@webmail.co.za
can anyone send me a mxit password generator,or tell me how to get 1.my e-mail address is raeestayob@webmail.co.za
how do you gain access to someone's facebook account? I know their e-mail and other personal details, I just can't work out their password, please help!!!
How u mean u can't hack into mxit? But if someone where i can download mxit hack for free pleaze email me im despred plz!! or can any one hack a page for me than if u can email me at soekmy@yahoo.com
can u pls e-mail me the link to get the mxit pin generator but it must not be a link were i must sign up n pay.....thanx ....velocity2fast@yahoo.com
hey pleas help me get or crack a mxit pin i can provide you with serials and cracks if you can please help me... email me at Ir.munki@yahoo.com please i help me...
hey if u want to get into myspacce at school just go to google and type in myspace proxys
I will be willing to pay $5 or something to anyone who can tell me or gain access to someones facebook account. So if you know how to get someones password if i give you their email adress/username let me know. I am willing to pay.
Contact me at dayhandler7@aim.com for further details
Where can I get an airtime generator
Plis tell me the link about mxit pin generator or mxit hack,but the link without sign up n pay so iam free to dunlud.hihi
Salam to all!
Can any body send me the best notes on hacking???
i Shall very thankful to him / her.
Hey, can anyone tell me how to hack Mxit profiles? E-mail me please my phone was stolen now i cant get into my profile anymore. bloodriot44@gmail.com thanks
hey ppl i cn get mxit pins my java program is R175 mtn atym nd my jar file is R55 mtn atym if you interested invite me 0n 0784170297##DO AT YOUR OWN RISK##
Plz dnt waste ur money on da pin generator it does nt work i lost r30 atym bcoz of dat idiot.if neting costs money dnt fal 4 it ppl r jus tryna get atym
Y0o0o0 ppLz...i als0 neEd helP with dis hacKing thinG...i neeD my 0ne mxiT pin..but i d0nt hav da sim card nD i 4g0t da pin.
..anyb0dy help me? Email me at ==> thegirlme@gmail.com
I'd very much appreciate if sommeone can help me hack into my friend's mxit or tell me were i can download a pin generator. Willing to pay:-)
Mail me 0733739219@mtnloaded.co.za or invite me 0733739219.
Hi, I want to hack e site which has been written by php nuke. it's name is www.8rood.ir
please guide me how i can hack it. you know i'm an amateur!!!
if you can hack it, it's better,so please send me an email.
you know the problem is : it must be hacked.
i'm waiting for your mail
Can someone tell me how to hack into facebook accounts? It would be greatly appreciated.
Could you E - mail me at beforesfwcollide@aol.com? Thanks!
Hey all u losers trying to hack! jus kidding u not losers....
Firstly don't try to even think that there is an airtime generator anywhere!!!! Coz there just isn't... Thats because each airtime code is unique because each box of airtime has a batch number that only the networks activate at a certain time and deactivates it... so there is a expiry date on ur airtime. And don't think that there is a pattern in airtime codes because you'll neva succeed!!
Secondly MXit pins cannot be hacked!!! Simply coz all ur personal info is encrypted onto the mxit database and even the Mxit creators won't be able to get it!!!! The only way to get someones pin is by asking them nicely or stealing their SIM card!! LOL.
BTW if you wana get started on hacking, visit extalia.com to firstly learn memory editing and game hacking! ;)
GreetZ to all those in Cape Town!!!!!!
dont hate.......i dont care if you like me or not.but i got the pin generator n u dont :P
I have a persons email address and know there personal details can i hack into there facebook account without knowing there password
can sum1 plz help me to get a mxit pin? its very urgent email me on minnie@omni.co.za
can some one teach me how to hack into site here this my id you can get me at any time ok
we can help each other ok
i have a deal to do
Howzit man.Im desperate in need 2 find out whoz dis guy invyting my gf 4rm a pvt num.Plz cud u help,id really appreciate it.Thanks Alot.
guys i nd 2fynd out a mxit pin cn nybdy help!!??? ridhwaanl@gmail.com pleeez
Can someone plz help me to hack into my mxit acount. My sim got stolen. My email is I_anderson15@hotmail.com Thanx
why dont you all begin @ Hackershighschool.com
i was wondering if anyone could help me get a software that generates mtn airtime my email is cobyrecords@yahoo.com
please help me my boyfriend is cheating on me and i need to know how to hack into his email address on msn please help me
sup ppz i ne1 knws da mxit pin hacking hex plz cn yol emal me on kaotickyro@gmail.com laka
plz send the link HACKING TOOL FOR MXIT PLZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi pls help me with generating money.lmao
can u plz tell me how 2 hack msn
i relly need 2
plzzzzzzz help me
Yey! People I knw of a person who can hack mxit, facebook and hotmail. . . Invite him at 0835699464
If u want a facebo0k password generator. Go 2 google and search mxit pin gen and therz a nunba 2 invite on mX
I can help u Hack people's mxit accounts for REAL!!!! with my Mxit-hacker just have a R12-vodacom handy when inviting 27735271918 and ill send u the download link please dont send invalid airtime from Hacker wrcj
I can help any one who wants pins just invite me on 27735271918 and have a R12-vodacom ready then ill send u the link to download the mxit-hacking software Please dont send invalid airtime THX
I need help hacking into a facebook account or hotmail account. send me a message back if u think u can help.
Hey guys err please if any1 has the java file of mxit send me the link i would really appreciate it thanks a million
Hey there.. . .. I urgently nd a way to hack into my girlfriends mxit, bt i just cnt crack the code, any1 that cn help plr email me with any info!! Thanx
ik need to hack into mtn to get free airtime
i need help hacking into a facebook account anyone that will help i will repay them :) just email me and help me please yellowduckchick090@yahoo.com
i need to hack into mig33 so pplssss can anyone help me with this my emails doofy.killer@gmail.com. i would really much appreciate this
Ey ppl i urgently need 2 hack into my bfs mxit. If u knw of a java hack file i cn download, plz let me knw at amandri.coetsee@gmail.com. Thanx!
Hi ppl, I want to open a text i saved on my mxit gallery. i forgot the pin n cant open dat text conservation. Is possible 2open it, if so any1 out der hlp plzz, ts important..
Hey guys,mxit_rig has made its appearence from fox,you can view any gallery of a person you want without their pin,it apparently only work once on 1 pc cause the ip gives it away or something like that,go look it up.it should be somewhere on google
Invite Papace Tha Hacker, He Helped me with MSN, mig33, MXit and Facebook hacking. . . Papace.Peperonity.Com
seriously ppl ive been searching an searching an i just cant find out how 2 hack an i rly need 2 hack the mxit encrytep code things my ex-gf sends me plzzzzz
hey listen i know url really dont care but plz i wana hack my boyfriends mxit we about 2 get married i gota make sure of him email n tell me how 2 hack plzzzz mwah email me
hi thr wuu2 you i like to you gave me mxit cnt hr is me mxit cnt 0737588422
i need to hack into a private profile on myspace does anyone have a updated code? kettles98@hotmail.com if u can help
Hey, does anyone here know how to hack into a facebook account. I think my girlfriend is chetaing on me and I want to make sure.
i am mike all i comment on this particular website cuz of all the discrimination of those hacker on this day and for me too i want to become and hacker and wat i see interm of hacker this day is that they are thief rippers, and e.t.c thanks of this site. note that me too i want to become an hacker. mike.
I can help u hack airtime from any networt 2 ur sim
can any body teach me how to hack a website here, if any body can help halla back at me onmy mail address on quamchin@yahoo.com. i will make a deal with such person
hey ther i need to get my old mxit pin back and my sims expired, having trouble with my bf and simply need to get out of the rel. plz help :(...asap.
hey its easy to acces the mxit code but y do you ppl want it so badly i will help those who really neads it and not to hack into other ppl accounts to catch on kak invite me on mxit 072 8687 926 my nick dreamcatcher or email me john.skills@hotmail.com ill help those who need there own pins only chow
Can u really tel me how to get airtime 4 free man
hi pls help wna hack mxit cn any1 help i wil send R55 atym 0827006569
Any1 want any codes invite me on mxit ,0767593992 n we cn tawk!
Lol dum nubs. u will get hacked here. read books.
hey guys, pls cn u help me hack into my gfs mxit, i wana make sure she nt cheatn on me. Send me info to kamal.ambrishapal@gmail.com. Thats my friends e-mail. Thanx
Hey any proffesional hackers...I need help to hack some other dudes mxit becoz he messing around with me......plz e-mail me any hacker I would really appreciate your help....reyhaan_uzair@hotmail.com
i need help to hack in my friends mix he is making shit 4 me ples help thanks.
hi i need to hack into my wifes mxit as she i hiding something from me and she uses another cell no.please can i get even a trail pin code generator.
thank you
i need a mxit pin my bf is cheatin on me i think i need 2 b sure bout this.plz help mail me at roczanneh@yahoo.com
can u tell me how to hack into someones mxit"? it happend so many times to me. curious to know how they do it
i like your website it rocks but when you send me a e-mail back send some good hacks if you have any cuz if you do ill get you an awesome file on RuneScape and then ill send the password and username together it will take a month to get it to lv.30 or 2months remember to change the password when you get it so I dont go on it not that I would and you can put me on your friend list if you want my username is:Dkkiller234.
i like your website it rocks but when you send me a e-mail back send some good hacks if you have any cuz if you do ill get you an awesome file on RuneScape and then ill send the password and username together it will take a month to get it to lv.30 or 2months remember to change the password when you get it so I dont go on it not that I would and you can put me on your friend list if you want my username is:Dkkiller234.
Pleaze i need my other 2 mxit pins urgent if sum1 can help me with the pin genarator or get the pins or any thing i and by the way dont use airtime 2 get paid for mxit hacker pins and stuff they tried 2 close mxit but cant bcoz its funded by the sa intelagence im supose 2 help them bcoz 1 of my friend work for them but nw i need help i promise i wont bust im at risk 4 sending this but plz they wont trace u my email has been resecured by my friend send me info at ghost_18@imapmail.org plz help
Pls anybdy wanna help wit d free airtime hacker.pls.i.wil.be.gratful.2 u guyz if u can help pls.my email is dollynike@yahoo.com
yo wats up peeps i know da mxit hacker guy he sed dat 4 mxit hacker hell reduce 2 r.12 i never give him so if urll want it bargain and who,s a mod here cuz i wana be 1
I need plain and simple steps to hack a facebook accoun
Want to know hou to hack in on mxit. Can anyone help me my girlfriend told me that now one can get into mxit if you do not invite them and that now one can see who you have on mxit. Can someone please help me to show her wrong. Email me at morneshardelow@gmail.com
i can hack and get free internet in my pc via bluetooth dongle and cell phone (Bluesoleil drivers) as to how : send yo email to mine i'll send the whole info to yu fhumux@mailmate.co.za
This Mxit hacking software is a lot of shit and the fuckers only wants your airtime. SO BE CAREFULL. It is getting an epidemic with all this skelms offering you hacking software. Most of them are a bunch of NIGGERS only wanting airtime.
Wanto learn how to use a packeting system hack... like generating airtime, cheating airtime, hacking world of warcraft gamecards... i can help you. play wow for free until your DEAD. hacking mxit is easy... you just hace to download a new one. il tell you how to do it the right way... add me or email me.
082 298 4662
Hai yeta...sum 0f these mense claim they kn0w h0w 2 hack in2 mxit nd w0teva...bt d0es it w0rk really??? Im caReful nt 2 invite these ppl 0n mxit...c0z they will sika hack in2 ur mxit aCc0unt 0r email acc0unt.....
Bt stiL, D0 ANyb0dy kn0w wher i can get inf0 h0w 2 hack mxit? L0l....pleaz help sumb0dy jarre!
helo can any1 plzzz give me the download link for
mxit hacker? plzz
i need help with hacking into myspace? plllzzz babes.
I want to hack into my ex's videotron email account. Don't know username or password?
Please help?
can anyone pls e mail me a link wher i can get a mxit pin generator... pls... rebuffdowg@msn.com
can anyone pls e mail me a link wher i can get a mxit pin generator... pls... rebuffdowg@msn.com
All you people are crazy; hackers are not what you think they are the term you want to be is a cracker; stealing information from other domains. It take a few years of studying and a few computer crashes but you wil get ther try the language python to write your cracking programs in and get the angry ip scaner to search computer names and ip addres once you have that the rest is all up to u. U should have a prisist conection to the net as it speed things up u dont wana get caught
ma ip got banned on chat site...wap.pinoy9.comthey first insulted me n thn ma ip can any one ll lke to help me in hackin that site knw java &001 encoding
W0t kine? Isnt there a straight f0ward ANSWer 0n H0W 2 GET IN2 SUMB0DYS
MXIT AND FACEB00K PR0FILE nd hack their pins?? I need sumb0dys help PLeaz!!! Thatz all i want..a way2 hack int0 MXIT..And FACEB0OK..?PLEEEAZ PPLZ,i need it A.S.A.P:-(
I hav my reas0ns why i wud like2d0 it..
it wud be Highly appreciated THANX!
I am dying to know how to hack mxit, i wont tell anyone !!! Email the steps to ----> chloeleroux@gmail.com
I am dying to know how to hack mxit, i wont tell anyone !!! Email the steps to ----> chloeleroux@gmail.com
anybody that does know how to hack please email me kellytaffy@gmail.com !!! thanx
so i have absolutely no hacking skills... could someone please post a link with directions in how to break into someone's facebook account? you would make my whole year!
don't use above email... it's causing me problems. please contact me !
Hi there
I dont have a URL but want to learn how to hack into mxit - I find it intrigueing and am certain it would be a good pass time when i do actually have time to.
need mxit hacking software? Email me to find out more
Hi Guys..
All im seeing on this site is questions and no answers. Are there any hackers/crackers out there who care to help the less fortunate programming and hacking illiterate out there like me.. lol I need to get into somebodys mxit. any help or info plz mail me on mfadu@yahoo.com
need way to hack myspace private profile
Can anyone help me get a mxit pin? you dont hav to tell me how you do da hacking n shit, il giv u da numba den u gt da pin 4 me. Plz. Email me at nezmeg@yahoo.com
pls can anyone tell me how to hack airtimes and credit card
i want to learn how to hack send me the steps
i want to learn how to hack send me the steps
I have tha hacker but dont know where to upload.....
I have a program usable on all passworded websites and services including cellphones.
Email me on billyboy9273@gmail.com if you are interested and i will give you the details.
Hack mxit, facebook, myspace, email and sites that require an account with a monthly fee to download various files.
So drop me an email.
P.S i reply quickly
yo hackker send 2 me ICEMAN9884@GMAIL.COM
yo hackker send 2 me ICEMAN9884@GMAIL.COM
Hey Guys....
was hooping someone can help me hack my boyfriends mxit i got this gut feeling he is up to something fishy..... seeing that he has done that be4..... he changes his pin and doesnt want me tio go on his mxit... ANYBODY..ajjuly8@gmail.com
Cna some1 please help me with and easy way for getting a mxit pin my hubby is cheating and I need concrete evidence before i divorce the asshole PLEASE EMAIL ME
hi how do i hack into my gf's facebook account?
I want to know how to hack mxit . if anybody want to tell me just add 5417121985 or send email to nen_nox@yahoo.com
hi i need to get my bfs mxit coz i think his cheating on me ples i realy need it.
I h8 most hackers! th3m h@k3rs th@t wont sh@r3 ne info!!im a hacker but not a good one. Im still learning and reading books but now it is an emergancy. I need to hack a chicks mxit for revenge!plz anyone cn help?just a few tips to help me get on the right path then ill figure it out by my self.Email me @ eugene.nortier@gmail.com.Thx
Hi ppl DO NOT use this number (0835699464)if u want someones mxit hacked. This guy is a con! I gave him his money then he gave me a site that doesn't work
Hi ppl i seriously need to no how to hack into mxit pls sms me tha steps i'l apreciate very much ppl help me
The basis of hacking woud be to learn a programming language, then learn unix... all servers operate on this... then you can start
hey can u email me how to go on the internet without airtime please
ppl....help..please...i have a stalker...and i think its pay back time..how do i create a virus..please help me...please!!!!!...u cn cntct me on my spare e-mail adress...tgnmail@yahoo.co.uk
Whahahahahaha,you all come here to hack,mxit,facebook,ip addresses,emails,2go and all these patheTic applications and programes,yet DO YOU EVER FIND WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR EXEPT AIRTIME THEIFZ AND FAKE HACKERS,These hacking programes are RarE for [mXiT],i searched through google to the VeRy LaST PAGE and founD manY hackinG sites and only found 7 real mxit KeyGenz,password hackers EcT EcT....NoW yaw NonE MxiT HacKeRz wanT TheSe applicaTionZ,i got 8 diffrent MxiT hackeRz, inVt Me on 0733611767-MXIT
I dont understand ive seen the word hack like 1000 times here only things i hack i use a big knife, what are these over emotional people saying its sickining all the please and begging yuck, i donno its late just curius so looked at this. interesting but not helpfull"
i want to get the program for hacking into peoples mxit. can u halp me plz
its kinda funny when people ask help to be a hacker, either you are a hacker or your not it is more or less a mind set than something you become. If u are determined and want something just do it, don't bullshit around and ask other people to do things for you. start small and work your way up.
hello guys please does any know do how to go about the database of an organisation please am in a urgent need of the info thanks......................
Wana learn how to hack join here and maje da work a hel
Just send me a pleas call to 0832918785
help i need sumbody's help i'm bored and wana lern 2 hack not really life and death but just wanna lern
Hey people.finally done it..developed a pin generator..i understand how it feels to wanna hack but not have enough info..i don't mind sharing the info with you if you need it.invite me on 0736775073
Hey my bf changed my mxit pin and i dnt have the sim card anymore cud sum1 plz tel me hw to get my pin back invyt me on my new mxit 0784282353
Greetings all what books would you recommend to get started with hacking i really wanna learn how and i am very interested. yes i'm a noob want to become l33t tho thank you
u guys r ALL idiots. jus get friendly wit da mods on mx. and trust me, it works
i got the mxit hacker,pin generator and private number unblocker send me R15 virgin mobile on 0741213644 airtime and il sen u the url
Ay!,this guy is good he really got me the mxit hacker and for a change it works
Hey..i hav encounterd a problem wif my mxit acount..i deletd it coz it froze and got bak on after downloadin it agaim bt it gav me probs again so i deletd it again bt nw wen i instald it again i gav my rite password bt it says its wrong and dat my acount it blockd nw??do u knw wat da reason cud b and how i can fix it plz?it wil realy help me alot..can u plz sms me at 0741966932 if any1 can help me?thanx alot!
plz send the link HACKING TOOL FOR MXIT PLZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
any mxit admin creat a hack tool to hack into ather people messagis in mxit but it must cost moolas ppppplz.. Gals gala to my world invite me 0836135965
Guy if rily wana hack, it easy, i do bank hacking, hey i do phone hacking. need 2 learn more, let vai 2 mxit at 0792553266
Can any1 share da info on hw to get free internet on vodacom gprs
Hi, i was wondering if anyone did get that mtn airtime hack, i would like a url without sending anyone airtime because if they want airtime it means thier gen. Wont work to give them free airtime.. So does anyone have the gen for mtn
send me site of hacking airtime pls...
Ppl ppl ppl.i lost my mxit pin nd i wana gett back.if der is any 1 who wuld lyk 2 help me.or jst send me d mxit pin genarator my dearest hackers.nd dnt ful me coz yo nt goint 2 get any airtime b4 i get the pin genarator.u must maket happen 1st dan we cn talk.send the url 2 gilonkie@gmail.com.or if u want us 2 deal thru mxit,its fyn email yo mxit namba 2 me.its hack or get hacked.so dnt hack me by wanting airtime 1st,u must 4get.any way chao ppl.
I want site to hack mtn recharge card pin free
Wana no hw to hack? wel, inbox me n we'l take it from ther
Help mi to find a site that will gimme basics about Hacking
ok its basically imposible to hack a mxit password if they just using it on there fone all the generator stuf is bullshit but on the other hand it is simple to hack into someones gmail, yahoo facebook, aim, mxit (on the pc) and myspace
there is one simple tool u need but u need to do ur homework to find out what that tool is! :D
Go visit this link! http://mxithack.webs.com/
can someone please email a way to hack facebook - I'm not a hacker/cracker and I need just one facebook password.
please help, I think my sister is being abused.
sad & scared. Please no pay $150 sites or downloads with virus. xo thanks. becbaslou@gmail.com
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