June 12, 1999
Austin Powers 2 - The Spy Who Shagged Me Iambe, Minupla, xinit and xinit-gf went to see The Spy Who Shagged Me tonight, and I thought I'd throw my thoughts about it here.

First of all, go see it. I loved it. The same style of humour as the first one, with sight gags, wordplay, past/present humour and the like. Mike Myers was great as both Austin and Dr. Evil. Seth Green returned as Scott Evil, and Mr. Bigglesworth had a few more seconds of screen fame (not enough though).

Of course there were more than enough beautiful women for a british spy movie.

So yes, I loved it, and laughed my ass off. I'd recommend it to anyone who can take a bit of crass humour . My only complaints were a few times the jokes were a bit too obvious, and you just sat there going "I know exactly what is going to happen here" and then didn't enjoy the joke when it finally did come. They also seemed to use a lot of the same joke forumla's from the first one, making it drag a little at times. Now this is not to say I wasn't laughing out loud for most of the movie, and would gladly go again. Posted by Arcterex at June 12, 1999 12:28 AM